Mitford Awards

Mitford Academic Awards

Awarded each term (Fall, Spring, Yearend)

Award of Excellence:

Students must achieve Mastery in all Core Subjects and Mastering in two of the following: Health, PE or 2 CTF

Honour Roll:

Students must achieve Advancing in all Core Subjects and Advancing in one of the following: Health, PE or CTF

Learning Champions:

Any Students that have Improved 1 or more academic indicators in 2 or more academic subjects and one of the following: Health, PE or CTF

Mitford Yearend Awards

Awarded at Yearend

Principal's Award:

This award is handed to two students in Grade 8 and awarded for overall School Spirit.  Could be a combination of volunteering, school spirit, academic and athleticism and overall contribution to our complete school body.

Mitford Spirit Award: ROAR 

The ROAR (citizenship) award is given to those students who exemplify the four components of our ROAR motto; social responsibility, celebrating originality, taking action and demonstrating respect. These exceptional young citizens actively participate in organizing and running school activities, help out inside and out of the classroom and possess leadership qualities that motivate their peers to take action.

Mitford Spirit Award: PRIDE 

The PRIDE Award is given to those students whose integrity make them positive role models in the school. These students were nominated by their peers for being polite, honest, respectful and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Circle of Strength Award:

This award encompasses our school mission and vision of Care, Connect, Belong, and Grow together. This recipient encapsulates what it is to be a Mitford Lion.

CARE - Consistently displays kindness, empathy, and support towards their peers and others.

CONNECT - Actively participates in school initiatives that benefit others.

BELONG - Progresses in their personal development, makes significant contributions to their school community, and consistently demonstrates kindness to others.

GROW - Shows significant improvement in their academic, social, or emotional development including overcoming obstacles, enhancing skills, and achieving personal milestones.

Mitford Athletic Award: Most Valuable Player

Determined by the coach or coaches and is the player that best meets the following criteria:

  • Consistently performs at a high level of performance
  • Demonstrates leadership qualities, sportsmanship and teamwork
  • Valuable asset to the success of the team
  • Is a positive role model for athletes on the team

Mitford Athletic Award: Most Improved Player

Determined by the coach or coaches and is the player that best meets the following criteria:

  • Shows the most improvement over the duration of the season or competition
  • Demonstrates a willingness to learn and grow as a player (coachable)
  • Works hard and consistently has a positive attitude

Mitford Athletic Award: Heart & Hustle

Determined by the coach or coaches and is the player that best meets the following criteria:

  • Has a desire and passion for their sport
  • Dedicated to improving their skills
  • Excellent team spirit
  • Has a positive attitude towards school, shows leadership skills, sportsmanship and demonstrates respect on and off the court


Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.