Welcome to Mitford School!

At Mitford School learners succeed through our school vision which we remind ourselves to live everyday as a Mitford Lion: Care, Connect, Belong and Grow Together; Se Soucier, Se Connecter, Appartenir et Grandir Ensemble
Our vision is the foundation of our supportive and positive school culture and with that foundation learners can flourish! We are a dual track English and French Immersion Middle School with grades 5-8 with an expected enrollment of over 400 students for 2024-25. Continual literacy and numeracy improvement and success with our students is a top priority.
Currently professional staff are engaged with ongoing Literacy, Numeracy and Assessment Professional Learning Communities to build and strengthen teacher capacity and enhance teacher efficacy. We are making data informed decisions on next steps and actions to adjust instructional approaches to be implemented within daily instruction including the daily literacy/numeracy focus block. We are building more observational, conversational and performance assessments into teacher practice to better reflect student achievement. We are working to infuse Indigenous teaching methods that are congruent with the more balanced approach to assessment. We are always exploring and researching ways to improve our instructional practice and thereby student growth and achievement.
As part of Mitford's commitment to truth and reconciliation we are working to foster and strengthen our neighbors and friends from Stoney Nakoda. Through our Indigenous Connector we have welcomed four Knowledge Keepers to come into our school community and work with students throughout the year to share their wisdom and knowledge with us. We look forward to continuing to grow this tremendous friendship.
At Mitford we are not just a community we are a family and we strive to support each other and the goals and aspirations of our students.
Remember if you ever have questions or concerns please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher as your first point of contact. We are here to help. Let's continue to live together our school vision:
Care, Connect, Belong and Grow Together; Se Soucier, Se Connecter, Appartenir et Grandir Ensemble
Mr. P Fultz, Principal / Directeur
Mr. B Nordoft, Assistant Principal / Directeur Adjoint